
Carpe Diem Love Valentine's Day Card and Gifts

Carpe Diem Love Skull n Crossbones Valentine's Day Card
Carpe Diem Love Skull n Crossbones Valentine's Day Card
This Valentine's Day card features the text Carpe Diem and Love on the front with a skull and crossbones background in shades of red and black.  The following is the greeting inside...
I love you with all that I am
for the only viable thing in life is love...
Happy Valentine's Day
The back of the card features a small black and white, skull and crossbones with the text... Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credula Postero.

The Roman poet Horace wrote the famous Latin phrase, Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credula Postero in 23BC.  It is often translated as "Seize the Day, don't worry about the future".  The skull and crossbones background is a reminder that life is short.  The combination of this phrase, background and the fact that love is the greatest pleasure one can experience, can be translated to a modern meaning of...

Be present and enjoy your love today, while it is here, while you are alive.  Worrying about the future is only a waste of time that could be better spent enjoying the pleasures of your day, for you know not what the future holds.

This design is available on a few gifts and keepsakes and can be found at the sitCarpe Diem Love Skulls and Crossbones Collection.  Take a look below for to see a few of my favorites...
Personalized Carpe Diem Love Skulls and Crossbones Ceramic Ornament
Personalized Carpe Diem Love Skulls and Crossbones Ceramic Ornament
This ornament is the sweetest of all the gifts and keepsakes.  It can be personalized with a names and a year. 

I love, love, love this mug...
And I love the flask.  I'm not a flask kinda' girl but the design looks so great I might just need one.